Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Blog

My name is Sabbath Lily Hawks and today I am 18 years old. Last month I was let out of the detention home I been staying in since I was 15 and now I intend to go down to Taukinham and find Hazel Motes. I know he don't want me, what with how he let that woman send me here, and I know when I first took up with him I never counted on no honest-to-Jesus blind man to deal with, but now that my daddy's gone and sunk himself on his banana boat and I can't go back to the detention home, I got nowhere other than him to go. But he'll grow to like me enough in time.

I decided to start writing this blog on account of that book Miss O'Conner wrote on me and how famous it got. I never read all of it, just up until right before Hazel blinded himself because I don't want to think about what him and his eyes looked like after that anymore, but I thought she did a good job of making what we told her sound interesting enough for a book. The book is named Wise Blood, if you don't know, but I never understood why she called it Wise Blood, because other than these few times that a boy named Enoch talked about it it didn't have nothing to do with what went on in the story. A lady at the detention home read the book over a few times herself and said it was a very symbolic thing and that the whole book was meant to say something, but I never could get to what it was.

Sometimes at the detention home they showed us the movie they made all about the book and I watched some of it sometimes and I was right surprised when I saw that girl they got to act like me in the movie, because her and me look just about the same. A man named Jhon Huston made the movie and he made it pretty accurate too, except he got some events out of order or at the wrong times or such, on account of it worked better in the movie that way than what the real thing would have.

So now that I’ve got my own book and a movie with a girl that looks like me acting like me in it, I figure I’m a kind of a celebrity now, and so when I got let out of the detention home I asked to myself what else a celebrity needed. I decided I needed a way to talk to people who seen me in the movie or read me in the book, so I decided to get myself a blog. So here’s the blog, and now I’m going to write down what I see going to Taukinham and what I see when I get there and answer people’s questions if they have any. I suspect they might have a lot, since Miss O’Conner talked more about Hazel than anything in her book and didn’t really show what I was doing except when I did it to Hazel.

I’ve got a job putting things in bags at the grocery store right now and I’m staying with a boy named Adam. I don’t know him much and because he never really talks to me I suspect he don’t really want me around, but he’s letting me stay because I sleep with him from time to time. My paycheck comes in in two or three days and then I’ll have enough money to buy a train ticket to Taukinham. I don’t know if Hazel Motes is still in Taukinham, but that’s the only place I got to look, and so maybe I’ll find him there.

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